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Artifact Definition

Artifact Definition

For each Job that builds a rollout, go to the 'Artifacts' tab and click Define Artifact.

The Bamboo generic help documentation for defining an artifact can be found hereopen in new window. Below are the settings that work with the

Bamboo Artifact Definition
Bamboo Artifact Definition
FieldDescriptionSample Data
NameProvide the name for this artifact'WM Rollout' or 'REFS Rollout'
LocationUnique subdirectory name without spaces'wm_rollout' or 'refs_rollout'
Copy PatternAlways copy everything: ****
SharedAlways check this box. We want this artifact (rollout) to be available later in the Deployment Plans
RequiredUncheck this box. We don't want to fail the build if we don't have REFS files in this rollout.
Last update:
Contributors: Pieter Hartog