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Getting Started

Getting Started

How to setup Bamboo and the Bamboo Rollout Manager plugin.


Four Oaks Consulting provides services to assist in this setup. Contactopen in new window Four Oaks Consulting for more information.

The setup described on this page is for a scenario with just the basic environmens: DEV, TEST and Production.


The following systems should be in place when starting the steps in this setup guide:

  • Subscription to Atlassian Jira Cloudopen in new window.
  • Blue Yonder WMS installed in a Windows environment
  • One Blue Yonder WMS DEV environment setup with the LES directory version controlled by Git (see instructions below).
  • Subscription to BitBucketopen in new window or GitHubopen in new window to view the version controlled files from the LES directory, and for Jira and Bamboo to see the code changes.
  • One Blue Yonder WMS TEST environment setup (not version controlled)
  • One Blue Yonder WMS Production environment setup (not version controlled)
  • An environment with Java 11 to install Bamboo 9.3+ and the Bamboo Rollout Manager plugin. This can be done on the Blue Yonder WMS DEV server, but a separate server works too.


For the setup below, we assume the following configuration:

Atlassian setupAtlassian setup

Other configurations are possible, for example:

  • Use GitHub instead of BitBucket
  • BitBucket can be hosted locally using BitBucket Data Center
  • Jira can be hosted locally using Jira Data Center
  • Instead of one repository, have multiple Git repositories (e.g. one for WMS, one for EMS and another one for LMS)
  • More environments besides DEV, TEST and PROD.

Setup Version Control

Bamboo relies on a version control system to build the rollouts. Currently, the following Git-based version control systems are supported with the Bamboo Rollout Manager plugin:

To build the rollouts correctly, the 'LES' directory has to be version controlled, with the exception of a few subdirectories. Which sub-directories should be under version control depends on the Blue Yonder WMS product (e.g. WMS, HUB, Parcel), but generally all subdirectories besides the directories bin, build, files, include, install, lib, log, rollouts and temp.

For example, a version controlled LES directory could look like this: (note: this is a windows explorer view on a server with TortoiseGitopen in new window installed)

LES DirectoryLES Directory

Setup Git

Whether we use BitBucket or Github as the web viewer and main repository, we need to install git locally on the development environments.

Install Git

Put the LES directory under version control.

Setup Bitbucket or GitHub

After installing Git on the DEV servers, we can link the (local) Git repositories to BitBucket or GitHub and use either one as the 'remote repository'. Bitbucket or GitHub is also the place where we can view the code and code changes as well as the system that Bamboo can connect to.

Setup Bitbucket Cloud

Setup GitHub

Setup Jira

We assume we have Jira Cloud setup. If not, refer to these online help pages to get started: Get started with Jira cloudopen in new window

There are not many requirements for Jira related to the Bamboo Rollout Manager plugin, except the following two:

  1. Jira issues should be linked to a Version using the Fix Version field. Configure versions in a scrum projectopen in new window
  2. To make the BitBucket or GitHub code changes visible in each Jira issue, we need to link Jira to the repository:

Setup Bamboo basics

Install Bamboo

  • See this link on how to Install the Bamboo server applicationopen in new window
    • Install Bamboo on the DEV server. It can be installed on another server as well, but these instructions assume the DEV server.
    • The windows user that runs the windows service in bamboo should have permission to install rollouts in DEV (and TEST if that is on the same server). This typically means the permission to run the 'mload' utility.
    • also, the windows user should have permission to stop and start the moca service on the DEV environment (and TEST if that is on the same server)
  • Install remote agents on all Blue Yonder WMS servers. In our example, this will be the TEST and PROD server and potentially the REFS TEST and REFS PROD server.
  • Link the BitBucket or GitHub repository to Bamboo.

The Jira Cloud instance needs to reach the local Bamboo server. For security reasons, this needs to be a connection that is only accessible by the Jira Cloud service. The solution is to have a proxy server on the edge of the local network and only allow requests from IP addresses coming from Atlasian.

These instructions provide different options on how this can be accomplished: Link Bamboo to Jira Cloud instructionsopen in new window

The Application Tunnelopen in new window is not a feasible solution because we need to be able to reach Bamboo from Jira Automation, which doesn't support the Application Tunnel method.

Install the Rollout Manager plugin

From the Bamboo Admin page, go Manage apps -> Find new apps.

In the search box, type 'Rollout'. Select the 'Rollout Manager Plugin' and click Try for Free

Or, start with the plugin itself on the Atlassian Marketplace:

Get the plugin
Get the plugin here

Install the plugin like any other Bamboo plugin as described hereopen in new window.

Setup Local Agent

For the Rollout building to work correctly, we need to setup a 'Local Agent'. A Local Agent is a worker process that can execute build and deployment tasks and exists inside the bamboo server. This is different from Remote agents which are separate processes usually on another server. See instructions to setup a Local Agent hereopen in new window.

Setup Remote Agents

Per a previous step above, all Blue Yonder WMS servers should have one Bamboo Remote Agent installed per server (not per Blue Yonder WMS environment, but one per server). See installation instructions hereopen in new window

Add Custom Capability for Perl

A requirement for the Bamboo Rollout Manager plugin is that we create a custom capabilityopen in new window. Once the Remote Agents are istalled and visible in Bamboo Administration -> Agents -> Remote Agents, we need to add a 'Capability' to each Remote Agent, to specify where the Perl executable is.

Click on the Remote Agent we want to configure. This shows the 'Agents summary' screen.

Agents Summary
Agents Summary

In the Capabilities tab, click on 'Add Capability'

Agent Custom Capability
Agent Custom Capability

Add a custom capability with key perl.path. The value should be the absolute path to the Perl executable on the server where the Remote Agent is running. The path should include the executable name itself (e.g. C:\Applications\PerlStrawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe)

Next steps: build plan, Deployment Plan and Jira Automation Trigger

After the above is setup, we have the main systems in place. What is left to do is to define how and where we want to build rollout and where we want to install them. This is described in the next chapters:


Four Oaks Consulting provides services to assist in this setup. Contactopen in new window Four Oaks Consulting for more information.

Last update:
Contributors: Pieter Hartog